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Embark on the ultimate adventure with our Mount Everest Expedition tour. This 15-day journey takes you to the roof of the world, where you'll experience breathtaking views, challenging terrain, and the thrill of summiting the world's highest peak.

material choices

Hoi An is a tailoring paradise renowned for exquisite, tailor-made garments. Therefore, you will see many tailor shops in all the alleys of Hoi An. The talented tailors can make any clothes you want and deliver them to you in 1 or 2 days.

Indian tourists love tailor-made clothes in Hoi An due to its blend of traditional craftsmanship and modern designs. In addition, the material choices are vast, ranging from luxurious silk to high-quality cotton. So, a tailor-made garment is one of the top things to buy in Hoi An for Indian travelers.

Price range: 42 – 144 USD

Where to Buy

  • Blue Chic Tailor – 03 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Minh An Ward
  • Aobaba Cloth Shop – 55 Le Loi Street, Minh An Ward